VOCAL and GROUP SONG Workshop with Tannis Kowalchuk
Tannis will teach a battery of songs with amazing group harmonies as well as introduce exercises that employ the voice as a muscle. We will stretch our range and capacity and attempt some improvised song-making. Everyone can sing is the philosophy. Singing is natural and good for us.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
Artists in Residency at Wellesley College
We are thrilled to be Artists in Residency at Wellesley College where we will share ‘Decompositions’ written and performed by Tannis Kowalchuk and will also be offering a devised theatre workshop with the current students.
INVOKE YOUR CLOWN Workshop with Clown
Finding your clown’s physicality and inner life is the goal with this playful workshop. Actress, Clown Daddy will teach how to shift your body and mind into a state of energized creativity, curiosity and joy. Red nose provided.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
SONG-WRITING Workshop #1 with Doug Rogers
Introduction, philosophy, technique, with song-writer Doug Rogers who has created many incredible and memorable tunes for the Dream on the Farm series. Doug will give participants a song-writing assignment which will be brought in the following week.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
SONG-WRITING Workshop #2 with Doug Rogers
Participants will share their compositions with each other and receive detailed feedback and next-steps advice from the teacher.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
STAGE FIGHTING Workshop with Jess López-Barkl
Have fun finding your inner warrior! This stage combat workshop will give you some foundations and skills to perform convincing fight scenes safely. You will learn some basic terminology for stage combat, safety, consent/intimacy work, punches, kicks, falls, and weapons. This will class will prioritize safety and using this tool for optimum storytelling through movement.
Diverse skill levels: The workshop is suitable for beginners to experienced actors.
Practical application: Hands-on exercises to learn fight choreography.
Storytelling element: Stage combat can be used to enhance character development and excitement for the overall presentation aspect of theater.
Variety of techniques: Unarmed and weapon techniques will be covered.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
'Decompositions' in Celebration of International Women's Day
‘Decompositions’ is written and performed by Farm Arts Collective founder, Tannis Kowalchuk, the solo performance explores decomposition as a metaphor for life. Employing her devised theatre practice and life as a farmer, Decompositions is an original song-filled, multimedia performance that digs into birth, death, farming, art, decay (aging) and transformation.
Featuring a compost pile at center stage, the performance begins with excerpts from the Gertrude Stein essay, "Composition as Explanation," providing an entry into the existential monodrama.
In this deeply personal theatrical meditation, Kowalchuk explores the composting process as analogous to the process of her own aging. Kowalchuk’s humorous and poignant stories take audiences on a journey of longing to accept mortality as elegantly as the compost does its transformation.
Written and performed by Tannis Kowalchuk, “Decompositions” is created in collaboration with director Mimi McGurl, songs by Rima Fand, beats and soundscapes by Janhavi Pakrashi, music by the Farm Arts Collective, technical director is Jess Beveridge.
'Decompositions' on tour
We are thrilled to be taking ‘Decompositions’ to Catapult in New Orleans presented by Mondo Bizzaro.
PLAYWRITING with Melissa Bell and Mark Dunau
Writing exercises, structure and playwrighting principals will be explored.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
Focusing on how to create physical material with actors for the creation of collaborative devised theatre performances. The workshop is designed for both actors and directors.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.
Earth Day Extravaganza!
SAVE THE DATE! We will be kicking off the 2025 Season with a jam packed Earth Day Extravaganza!
Stay tuned for details!
Lucy Joseph
Lucy Joseph is an original performance by Farm Arts Collective based on the life of a 19th century gender non-conforming pioneer Lucy Ann Joseph Israel Lobdell. Directed by Mimi McGurl with contributed story and texts from the Farm Arts Collective Ensemble, author William Klaber, and historical texts by L.A. Lobdell and others. The original musical performance features Jess Beveridge, Doug Rogers, Pam Arnold & John Roth.
Notes from the Director:
The historical figure at the center of our play, Lucy Ann/Joseph Israel Lobdell is very close to my heart and I know many people in our community feel the same way. I first heard about the Female Hunter of Long Eddy more than twenty years ago when LGBTQ historian Jonathan Ned Katz referred me to an article in his anthology Gay American History. I had the simple and pleasant feeling that someone not unlike me lived here on the Delaware River a very long time ago. Now, after years of research and reading, this feeling is not so simple.
During Lobdell’s well-documented years, the amount of colorful labels attached to them in newspaper articles, histories, and medical journals was as much of a shock to me as the fact that so many people cared enough to come up with them. It seems as though everyone had an inventive and frequently insulting term for this person raised as a girl who, by 30 years of age, clearly preferred to live their life as a man. This speaks volumes to the cultural shifts squeezing through so much religious and political turmoil during the nineteenth century.
It would be impossible to catalog all of the changes the United States went through during Lobdell’s lifespan. In 1829, the year they were born, there were only 24 states, slavery was legal in 15 of them, and indigenous tribes still had sovereignty over significant North American territory. After the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the War of the Rebellion (1861-1865), and the rapid rise of industrialized capitalism, the country was nearly unrecognizable as the purple mountain majesties we sing about today. Scientific revolutions centered around Darwin’s theories, as well as gender and class struggles, were exploding into the political sphere. In fact, the notion of X and Y chromosomes was only articulated a few years before Lobdell’s death in 1912. Was Joseph ever allowed to rest in a stable understanding of who and what he was? There really is no way we will ever know.
Now, nearly two centuries later, one would think we as a society might have progressed in our thinking about these issues, relegating the harms done to Lobdell to our past. Yet, there are still powerful and influential people who insist that our genetic markings at birth remain forever the essential truth of who we are. So much so, in fact, that the current Supreme Court will almost certainly allow states to make accessible medical treatment to young people differently based on the sex they were assigned at birth. I would argue that progress has been made in many realms during these centuries. Yet, Lobdell’s life stands as a beacon of exactly how much more work still needs to be done in order for all of us to have the freedom to determine, for ourselves, our own gender identities and our own personal truths.
Annual Juneteenth Celebration
Join us for our annual Juneteenth Celebration with local artists and musicians. Stay tuned for more info!
Family Farm Day
Join us on Willow Wisp Organic Farm for our annual Family Farm Day! Bring the whole family and learn more about organic farming, join a led tour of our greenhouses, vegetable and flower fields.
Flower Cut & Design
The day begins with coffee at the barn followed by a led tour by Willow Wisp flower farmers, Tannis Kowalchuk and Jess Beveridge. The attendees will visit the annual and perennial flower fields and learn best practices in growing cut flowers, our favorite varieties, and tips on post-harvest methods.
Dream on the Farm 2025 Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt
Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt is play #6 in the DREAM ON THE FARM cycle of climate change plays that we are creating from 2020-2030
John Milton’s Paradise Lost was first published in 1667 and told the familiar biblical story of Adam and Eve and humanity’s fall from grace. His poem included descriptions of Creation and Paradise, Satan’s Plot, The Fall, God’s Judgment; and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.
In Farm Arts Collective’s 6th play in the DREAM ON THE FARM cycle of performances 2020-2030, Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt picks up where Adam and Eve leave paradise, hand in hand, to venture into the world.
The audience follows the lovers on a SCAVENGER HUNT across the 25-acre farmland of Willow Wisp Organic Farm. They encounter scenes, performances, interactive experiences, art installations, and are tasked to collect scavenger hunt objects, flowers, and specific actions needed to accomplish their hunt.
In all of these scavenger hunt experiences with Adam and Eve, a small truth is revealed that invites spectators to face the impacts that modern knowledge/science/progress (aka "eating the forbidden apple ") has had on our paradise.
Like Adam and Eve, contemporary humans have also eaten the fruit of knowledge, (in fact we keep eating it), knowing full well that what we are doing is harmful as we watch climate change, environmental degradation, the loss of species, the threats of food and water shortages.
The scavenger Hunt invites these questions:
What is Your Paradise Lost? What are you Holding on to? What is Gone? What Can be Re-Claimed?
Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt is a moving theatrical experience that invites artists and audience to experience a catharsis that requires accepting responsibility, becoming a vehicle for potential redemption and positive change.
Flower Cut & Design
The day begins with coffee at the barn followed by a led tour by Willow Wisp flower farmers, Tannis Kowalchuk and Jess Beveridge. The attendees will visit the annual and perennial flower fields and learn best practices in growing cut flowers, our favorite varieties, and tips on post-harvest methods.
Alone Together Solo Play Festival
Farm Arts Collective presents of a weekend of innovative solo performances.
Stay tuned for submission opportunities.
Science Cabaret
Farm Arts Collective presents an evening of science talks and performances on mental health, neuroscience and innovative treatment. The evening intersects innovative scientists with innovative artists in a remarkable evening of call and response between the disciplines.
Soup Making Workshop
Join us in the Willow Wisp Organic Farm kitchen & learn how to make delicious soups with step-by-step guidance from Souperstar Tannis Kowalchuk.
Dream on the Farm 2025 Presentation by Artistic Director
Come hear about the 2025 DREAM ON THE FARM concept and plan of action. Tannis Kowalchuk, artistic director, will present the idea on Thursday, January 16th at 6 PM at Farm Arts Collective agri-cultural center. Soup provided, bring bread to share.
This is play #6 in our decade long cycle of climate change themed plays. It is entitled "Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt," as the play will transform into an interactive scavenger hunt for the audience and actors.
Learn more about the creative process, how this play fits (and differs) from the previous five play in the DREAM cycle and the many ways to participate.
No commitments will be asked, we are starting the conversation and letting some sparks fly by imagining a climate changed themed experimental musical devised play based on John Milton's Paradise Lost in the form of a madcap scavenger hunt for redemption and hope and responsibility as we face the impacts that our knowledge, science, progress ("eating the forbidden apple ") has had on our paradise that we appear to be losing far faster than we expected.
Location: Farm Arts Collective, 38 Hickory Lane, Damascus, PA 18415
Upcoming Events
Photo by Irene Soloway