Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt is play #6 in the DREAM ON THE FARM cycle of climate change plays that we are creating from 2020-2030
John Milton’s Paradise Lost was first published in 1667 and told the familiar biblical story of Adam and Eve and humanity’s fall from grace. His poem included descriptions of Creation and Paradise, Satan’s Plot, The Fall, God’s Judgment; and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.
In Farm Arts Collective’s 6th play in the DREAM ON THE FARM cycle of performances 2020-2030, Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt picks up where Adam and Eve leave paradise, hand in hand, to venture into the world.
The audience follows the lovers on a SCAVENGER HUNT across the 25-acre farmland of Willow Wisp Organic Farm. They encounter scenes, performances, interactive experiences, art installations, and are tasked to collect scavenger hunt objects, flowers, and specific actions needed to accomplish their hunt.
In all of these scavenger hunt experiences with Adam and Eve, a small truth is revealed that invites spectators to face the impacts that modern knowledge/science/progress (aka "eating the forbidden apple ") has had on our paradise.
Like Adam and Eve, contemporary humans have also eaten the fruit of knowledge, (in fact we keep eating it), knowing full well that what we are doing is harmful as we watch climate change, environmental degradation, the loss of species, the threats of food and water shortages.
The scavenger Hunt invites these questions:
What is Your Paradise Lost? What are you Holding on to? What is Gone? What Can be Re-Claimed?
Paradise Lost: Scavenger Hunt is a moving theatrical experience that invites artists and audience to experience a catharsis that requires accepting responsibility, becoming a vehicle for potential redemption and positive change.