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PLAYWRITING with Melissa Bell and Mark Dunau

  • Farm Arts Collective 38 Hickory Lane Damascus, PA, 18415 United States (map)

This hands-on seminar will be taught by Farm Arts Collective resident playwrights Melissa Bell and Mark Dunau. Students will explore the elements of playwriting, from character, stasis, rising action, recognition to denouement. Through writing exercises and prompts, the class will explore creating dialogue and events, which drive the play forward. They will discuss broader aspects of theme and structure, with a chance to play with ideas, put the pen to paper and see what comes out.

The question will be asked: “What makes a play different from other forms?” Famously, Aristotle gives six elements of drama - plot, character, theme, dialogue, music, and spectacle. But this can be a little overwhelming when looking at a blank page. And not every play incorporates all of these elements, nor do they use Aristotelian structure. So, how does one begin writing a play?

The instructors will give writing prompts and time will be devoted to actual writing and presenting written work. Participants will have an opportunity to get their work up on its feet and read. Participants are encouraged to bring a theme, idea or character you would like to explore.

This class is Pay-What-You-Can and the address of Farm Arts Collective is 38 Hickory Lane, Damascus, PA 18415

Artists’ Bios
Melissa Bell
has been a member of Farm Arts Collective since 2019 and has contributed to all 5 productions of Dream on the Farm. Her play LADY CAPULET was twice nominated for Best Adaptation & Modernization by New York Shakespeare and awarded Finalist for Henley Rose Playwright Competition. Her work on COURAGE with Tannis Kowalchuk was awarded Honored Finalist for the Collaboration Award by the Women in Arts & Media Coalition. Her play ZOE COMES HOME, a dark comedy, premiered at the Tusten Theatre and Bernie Wohl Theatre in NYC in 2023 and 2024. Visit to see more of her work.

Mark Dunau is a farmer and artist. He has had ten full length plays produced, seven in New York City. His play Glass was nationally toured for three years with grants from the National Science Foundation.  He has worked collaboratively with Tannis Kowalchuk since 2014 on several productions.  Mark has been making his living farming without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides since 1990 at Mountain Dell Farm in Hancock, NY. He is known in the agricultural community as a pioneer in the Farm to Table movement, and mentored many farmers.

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