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STAGE FIGHTING Workshop with Jess López-Barkl

  • Farm Arts Collective 38 Hickory Lane Damascus, PA, 18415 United States (map)

Have fun finding your inner warrior! This stage combat workshop will give you some foundations and skills to perform convincing fight scenes safely. You will learn some basic terminology for stage combat, safety, consent/intimacy work, punches, kicks, falls, and weapons. This will class will prioritize safety and using this tool for optimum storytelling through movement.

Diverse skill levels: The workshop is suitable for beginners to experienced actors. 

Practical application: Hands-on exercises to learn fight choreography. 

Storytelling element: Stage combat can be used to enhance character development and excitement for the overall presentation aspect of theater.

Variety of techniques: Unarmed and weapon techniques will be covered.

PAY WHAT YOU CAN at the door.

February 27

SONG-WRITING Workshop #2 with Doug Rogers

March 8

Celebrate International Women's Day