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Understanding Food Labels

  • Farm Arts Collective 38 Hickory Lane Damascus, PA, 18415 United States (map)

Understanding Food Labels:
Organic, Regenerative, Free Range, Cage Free, Non-GMO.
What does it all mean?

A collaborative workshop with Gael Roots Farm and Farm Arts Collective with support from a For Farmers Grant

In this workshop, consumers will learn the difference between certified labels and buzz words to describe the food we buy.  What is the difference between organic & regenerative?  What is the difference between cage free & free range?  What is grain finished beef?

Hear from farmers on their ranging perspectives on certification, regulations and how they choose their farming practices. 

This is a workshop for consumers to learn how to be responsible buyers and to understand what is in their food.

No Reservation Required. Pay What You Can at the door.

August 23

Flower Cut & Design

November 15

Soup Making Workshop